Salesforce Experience Cloud

Improve your business connections with greater connectivity to your customers, partners, and employees.


Create and launch your experience in just a few clicks

Recurso LP SF Experience Cloud-ENG

What is Experience Cloud?

Salesforce Experience Cloud gives organizations the ability to connect customers, partners, and employees directly to information, applications, and experts.

With Experience Cloud, your company can establish a customized corporate virtual space to match your style. Companies integrate data from any system and even incorporate third-party and custom applications to serve as an extension of the online customer experience. It also offers the ability to digitize business processes in line with today's contactless alternatives.

Salesforce Experience Cloud allows you to:

Salesforce Experience Cloud allows you to interact with your customers through different channels to:

  • Create digital experiences focused on your customers
  • Building stronger relationships through a single source of information
  • Evolving through a fast, flexible, and reliable platform
  • Maximize your return on experience

Recursos LP SF Experience (1)

What kind of experience do you want to create?

With Salesforce Experience Cloud, you can create the experience that best suits you and your users' needs.
Recursos LP SF Experience - Atención cliente-ENG

Create an experience that facilitates the management of solutions directly by the user.

Recursos LP SF Experience - Portal de cuentas-ENG

Give users access to articles to resolve open cases, create complaints and update their profile.

Recursos LP SF Experience - Portal de socios-ENG

We also offer a complete Partner Relationship Management solution with a Dynamic PRM site.

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Enables customized portals, delivering a unique experience to B2B and B2C customers.

Recursos LP SF Experience - Experience Builder

You will be able to go beyond the pre-established, creating the best solution for your users.

Recursos LP SF Experience - Microsites

Create micro-webs and sites for a specific campaign, product launch, event, etc.

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Salesforce has brought together all the players in an industry to create a secure and useful E2E solution.

Benefits of the Salesforce Experience Cloud

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With Experience Cloud you will get the most out of your brand in a simple, economical and innovative way. Connect with Experience!


Why Neteris

Each case, each department, and each company has different characteristics, advantages, and constraints; each case is unique. For this reason, at Neteris we carefully analyze the case of your company, to guide you towards possible to guide you toward possible solutions that will boost your business in a fast, efficient, and innovative way.


In addition, Neteris is a certified company and appointed as a Digitalizing Agent as part of the Digital Kit initiative of the Government of Spain, with which we can help in the digital maturation process of your company.


Salesforce Experience Cloud Resources

Recursos LP SF Service Cloud
Recursos LP SF Webinar (1)
Recursos LP SF Webinar (2)
Recursos Blogs Salesforce
Recursos YT Salesforce