Custom development in JD EDWARDS EnterpriseOne
Tailor the software to the needs of each customer
When you purchase JD Edwards ERP, you not only purchase all the standard functionality that the software has related to the business operations, but you also purchase in the same package all the tools that JDE contains in order to adapt the software to the needs of each client.
With this integrated development environment, it is possible to create/modify everything necessary to improve the software according to the required needs in a totally integrated way with the rest of the software itself; it allows carrying out the work in an orderly and structured way, as well as to have total control of the modifications.
In addition, development tools are included for each type of object to generate new interactive applications, batch applications, new tables, interfaces, new reports, etc., as well as to modify everything that already exists in the standard software.
Where to start?
Like any other development environment, it contains its own development life cycle.
It covers from the development itself to the installation of the same in the end user's environment.
This whole cycle is controlled from a project object control table (Object Management Workbench), there are also different security rules that allow the use of different teams within the development cycle.
Developments with the tools integrated in JDE
In JD Edwards, an object is everything that can be generated from the development tools. There are different types of objects and each one serves a specific function, there are tables (TBLE), views (BSVW), reports (UBE), and applications (APPL).
JDE contains all the information distributed in standard tables TBLE but new tables can also be created, all these tables contain all the master and transactional information of the system.
The main objects that are usually created or modified are reports UBE (also known as batch processes) and interactive applications APPL. Both have execution options called Process Options (parameters) and versions that allow users to change the selection of data, sequence, or default values in each execution. These objects include different events that are triggered at different parts of the execution and in which the desired logic can be incorporated in the JD Edwards language (NER).
In order to be able to interact from these reports or these applications with the information stored in the tables, the following views are used in BSVW.
Developments with JDeveloper and Visual studio (C language)
There are other types of objects, some of which require third-party software to develop, such as business functions. BSFN and web services, BSSV.
For example, to make BSFN business functions, which allow performing calculations and operations, as well as database transactions, programming in NER or C language can be used. The functions must include data structures DSTR that indicate the input and output fields of the function.
To use the functions, they must be included in any of the events of the JD Edwards objects and in this way be able to reuse the same portion of code that includes the operations that they perform in different objects. It is also possible to generate BSSV web services through JDeveloper, these services allow us to integrate JDE with other software. The BSSV can be in both directions, to publish the services so that they can be called or to call third party services.
Other customizations in JDE
JD Edwards renews itself with new tools and incorporates new technologies frequently to be able to adapt to the constant changes in the technologies applied in the business of the companies. Thus, tools such as E1Pages, Composite, CafeOne, Personal Forms, Layout, Queries, etc., enable a unique user experience (JD EDWARDS ENTERPRISE UX ONE) Many of these tools do not require knowledge of programming languages and can be used by end users themselves.

Why Neteris
Neteris is an Oracle JD Edwards Certified and Specialized Partner. We have successfully led hundreds of JD Edwards implementations, migrations, transitions to CLOUD, and integrations around the world in companies of various industries and sizes. Integrations around the world in companies of various industries and sizes, and we have proprietary solutions that extend and complement the functionality of Oracle JD Edwards.
We have our own team of specialists and certified consultants, in addition to a team of Innovation and development on Oracle JD Edwards, that allows our clients to exploit JD Edwards capabilities to the maximum and face any project with a total guarantee of success.
We are currently one of the European partners with the highest level of product training, from the oldest versions to the latest update, from its earliest versions up to the latest update, Release 23.



