Infographic ERP Cloud

7 questions to ask yourself before choosing an ERP Cloud


How to ensure that the ERP in the cloud you are looking for will meet the needs of your growing business?

With these 7 questions, you can find the answers and discover which ERP best suits your business.

7 preguntas que hacerte para elegir un ERP en la nube

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Why Neteris

We are one of the SAP's main partners in Spain in the implementation of the ERP Cloud SAP Business ByDesign. We have been recognized as Best Resellers for several years and our extensive experience with the ERP has led us to develop several ADDONS (Complementary Solutions to the ERP) that have helped to expand and improve certain functionalities, and to certify (by the SAP manufacturer) several "PLUG AND PLAY" solutions for our customers.

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SAP Business ByDesign Resources

Recursos ING - Blogs SAP BYD
Recursos ING - YT SAP BYD