AWS Well Architected Framework

Optimize AWS cloud architectures, aligning them optimally with business, security, cost, and performance objectives


You've migrated to the Amazon cloud, but there are certain aspects that can be complex. You have some questions like:

Do I have an optimal AWS architecture?

Is it 100% safe?

Could its cost be adjusted?

What is your disaster readiness?

You already have workloads on AWS, now what?

After a more or less complex process of migration to the cloud, you already have certain workloads running on AWS. A common mistake is to consider that once the migration is done, the project is over, but on the contrary, it is just the first step towards the pursuit of excellence in terms of the true benefits of the cloud: security, agility, elasticity, resilience, and cost optimization.

Now is the time to implement a continuous verification process to ensure that the deployed architecture responds to the business needs, validating the established premises and evaluating the results. Whether due to lack of knowledge, experience, or bandwidth of IT teams, many times shortcomings are detected in the architectures deployed in the cloud. Which, in the medium and long term, can lead to the failure to achieve the objectives set during the design phase of the cloud architecture.

At Neteris we can help you by applying our knowledge and experience thanks to our AWS Well-Architected Framework Review (WAR) service, which we will detail below.

Align your AWS architecture to your business KPIs

Each company is unique, it differs from the rest in the value it offers to its customers and in how it manages to differentiate itself from the competition. Therefore, each company, and even each line of business, may need a different architecture depending on the requirements of the business, its customers, the market, or regulations to be met.

Neteris contains in it's DNA the search for the understanding of its client's business, with the objective of making the best possible translation of those needs in terms of the technological pieces that will form the puzzle to support its clients' business. The design of this puzzle is based on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Best Practices Framework. Amazon Web Services (AWS) the Well-Architected Framework.

Based on the 6 pillars below, through the WAR service, we will help you understand if your architecture is the right one for your business, obtaining the benefits we will see in the next point.

There are endless doubts about whether it is worth migrating to the cloud, what we are going to lose, how much it is going to cost VS what we are going to gain, where to start... At Neteris we are here to help you and to debunk myths.

At Neteris, AWS Partner, we are very committed to the Transformation of mid-market companies in Spain, that's why we offer you these sessions.

Ask us all your questions about business solutions in the cloud, and the application of the Cloud in your company, we talk about what you need in a 30-minute session specifically for you with a Cloud expert.

Download directly: "Optimize your workloads with AWS Well-Architected"

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Sesión de acercamiento Cloud (1)




Don't be left wondering if there is something better for you and you are not using it because you don't know it.

> Evaluate if your architecture is suitable for your business

Neteris will help you understand if your current architecture is adequate, define potential risks, and understand how to align it with the AWS Best Practices Framework and your own business needs.

> Designs and implements improvement plans to align IT and Business

Neteris will work with you to define the set of actions to implement in your AWS Tenant to guarantee the best response to your business needs and to do it SAFELY and ECONOMICALLY.

> Accelerate the modernization, improvement, and transformation of your company

Increase your company's agility and adaptability, making it more competitive and resilient.

Get the most value from AWS architecture best practices

Neteris helps you evaluate your architecture from 6 different perspectives (the pillars of the Well-Architected Framework), with the objective of understanding which are the areas of action to optimize in its totality the IT that supports your business. As a result, you will have information about the strategy to carry out so that your architecture is aligned with your business. Being the most economical based on the performance, security, operation, and reliability requirements that your business needs.

What is the outcome of the Well-Architected Framework Review?

By reviewing your architecture with your business needs in mind, we will verify if your architecture is suitable for your business:

Is it really safe?

Security is the cornerstone of the AWS cloud. We will verify that the basic principles are met (information encryption, least privilege, secure service configurations, network-level security, user permissions control, etc.) to understand the possible improvements to be made to ensure the security of the architecture.

Does it comply with the requirements of the National Security Scheme (ENS)?

AWS provides us with tools that, with the knowledge and experience of Neteris, make it easier for our clients to understand the security level of their architectures. Taking as a reference the regulatory frameworks such as the ENS, it simplifies and accelerates the process of awareness of the current security level and possible improvements to be implemented.

Is it cost-optimal, could it generate savings without losing functionality?

In many cases, workloads are variable, and this fact is not always taken into account when designing an architecture. Through WAR, we help you understand how to modify your architecture to make it as elastic as possible, ensuring that, at all times, the cost is the minimum that guarantees the SLAs set by the business (performance, response time, etc.).

Does it guarantee the continuity of your business, with which RTO/RPO?

The cloud facilitates and economizes contingency ecosystems to the maximum, since it allows the deployment of Disaster Recovery (DR) ecosystems whose costs are aligned with their criticality. The availability of different availability zones and regions, as well as managed services to maintain the synchronization of information between dispersed environments, makes it easier to guarantee the recovery time (RTO) and recovery point (RPO) set by the business.

Within the WAR, we will analyze from backup policies to contingency policies, to analyze if they are aligned with your company's RPO and RTO.

Are you taking advantage of the full potential that AWS has to offer?

We all know that AWS offers the largest portfolio of cloud services on the market, which, on many occasions, can be complex to manage. There is often a situation in which, for the same need, there are several solutions, so at WAR we analyze whether the solution adopted is the optimal one, studying whether any other alternative is more appropriate.

Is it designed based on Well-Architected Framework best practices?

WAR aims to provide information about the level of adequacy of your architecture with the best practices, obtained based on hundreds of thousands of customer migrations to AWS. Understanding that each company is unique, we evaluate how their particularities can be reflected within the Well-Architected Framework.

Why Neteris

AWS offers us many services oriented to solve each one of the problems that arise in our IT ecosystems. At Neteris we help you choose the right subset of services so that IT is aligned with your business and offers the best performance, reliability, resilience, and security at the lowest price.

We use data collection and analysis tools at no cost to you. We put all our experience in implementing and optimizing AWS ecosystems together to help you optimize your AWS architecture, and make it more secure, more economical, and fully aligned with the real needs of your organization and its budget.

Don't wait any longer and request a free session to start the optimization process based on the Amazon Well-Architected Framework.

1. Portfolio AWS - Informática
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad
5. Portfolio AWS - Administración
6. Portfolio AWS - Redes
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (1)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (2)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (3)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (4)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (5)
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento (1)
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento (3)
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento (4)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (1)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (2)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (3)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (4)
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad (1)
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad (2)
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad (3)
5. Portfolio AWS - Administracion (1)
5. Portfolio AWS - Administracion (3)
5. Portfolio AWS - Administracion (5)
6. Portfolio AWS - Redes (1)
6. Portfolio AWS - Redes (3)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (1)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (2)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (3)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (4)
1. Portfolio AWS - Informatica (5)
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento (1)
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento (3)
2. Portfolio AWS - Almacenamiento (4)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (1)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (2)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (3)
3. Portfolio AWS - BBDD (4)
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad (1)
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad (2)
4. Portfolio AWS - Seguridad (3)
5. Portfolio AWS - Administracion (1)
5. Portfolio AWS - Administracion (3)
5. Portfolio AWS - Administracion (5)
6. Portfolio AWS - Redes (1)
6. Portfolio AWS - Redes (3)